Letter to DOE about their targeting of NYC Kids PAC and our endorsed candidates
So far this email has received no reply. If we do get a response we will post it here. Sent: Monday, May 1, 2023 5:29 PM To: Dekock Paola <PDeKock@schools.nyc.gov>; Elections2023 <Elections2023@schools.nyc.gov>; Melendez Cristina <cmelendez15@schools.nyc.gov> Dear Paola and the entire election team at FACE: As the political outreach chair and the head of NYC Kids […]
Our education briefing for City Council candidates
On Dec. 9, 2020, along with Class Size Matters, we held an online briefing for City Council candidates and campaign staff. Many thanks to the 85 or so people who participated. The presentation which covered a range of issues from the education budget, class size and school overcrowding, to charter schools, testing and Mayoral control, […]
Candidate Surveys for the Sept. 13, 2016 Democratic Primaries
For the September 13th, 2016 Primaries, the New York City Kids PAC conducted candidate surveys for NY State Senate Districts 31 and 33 (Manhattan and the Bronx respectively) and NY Assembly District 44 (in Brooklyn). Please check out the completed surveys here or below. The candidate responses can be accessed by clicking on the name, […]