Our Annual Parent Action Conference on June 10; join us!

Join us for for our Annual Parent Action Conference on June 10, 2023, co-sponsored by Class Size Matters, for a full day of workshops and presentations on how you as a parent can make a difference in our schools. Including information on reining in charter school expansion and abuse, fighting school budget cuts, improving language […]

Letter to parents with advice about upcoming CEC & Citywide Council elections

Dear all — It has come to our attention that DOE has sent out threatening letters to the candidates we endorsed for the Citywide and Community Education Council elections, telling them it is illegal for them to publicize our endorsements. We want to make clear that none of the candidates whom we endorsed ever solicited […]

Letter to DOE about their targeting of NYC Kids PAC and our endorsed candidates

So far this email has received no reply.  If we do get a response we will post it here. Sent: Monday, May 1, 2023 5:29 PM To: Dekock Paola <[email protected]>; Elections2023 <[email protected]>; Melendez Cristina <[email protected]> Dear Paola and the entire election team at FACE: As the political outreach chair and the head of NYC Kids […]