Primary day is today! Watch out for stealth campaigns!

The NYC primary is today! You can find your voting place here. We’d like to warn you that many of the negative ads you may be seeing online, on TV or in mailings are actually products of  “stealth” campaigns; i.e. they do not mention what the real motive is behind their critiques.

For example, $24 million has been spent on ads in CD 16, breaking all records, most of them attacking Rep. Jamaal Bowman and funded by AIPAC, a pro-Israel organization, because Jamaal called for a ceasefire in Gaza early on. Yet none of these ads actually mention Israel.  

The same is true with many of the ads attacking progressive candidates for Assembly, including Jonathan Soto and Emily Gallagher, paid for by billionaires like Michael Bloomberg and the Walton family, because Jonathan and Emily oppose charter school expansion. Yet the ads never mention charter schools. The same goes for the generous funding that Micah Lasher has received from the charter school lobby, as we explained previously.

The fact that these ads never mention the real reasons for their attacks or for their support of a candidate should make  you and other voters distrustful.

We urge you, once again, to vote for Jamaal, Jonathan, Emily, as well as Eli Northrup, Claire Valdez and Maria Ordonez because of their excellent records and positions on supporting public schools — if you’re lucky enough to live in their districts.

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