Contact the Speaker & the Council about the need to lower class size!

NYC Kids PAC along with Class Size Matters and other parent groups are urging the City Council to allocate $100 million towards class size reduction in next year’s education budget.

Please call the Speaker’s office  with this message:

As a parent [or teacher, or concerned citizen], I urge the Speaker to  fight for $100 million to be targeted towards reducing class size in the public schools, and for this initiative to be included in the Council’s budget response.”

Here are the Speaker’s phone numbers:

212-788-7210  (City Hall office)

212-564-7757 (district office)

Then, take a moment to email your Council Members with the same message; you can find their contact info here.  Write:

As a constituent, I urge you to  fight for $100 million to be targeted towards reducing class size in the public schools, and for this initiative to be included in the Council’s budget response.

Finally, please take this one-minute survey so we can keep track of who has been contacted.

Thanks so much!

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